Articles Of Confederation Worksheet Answer Key

The Articles of Confederation Worksheet Answer Key serves as an invaluable guide for students and scholars seeking a comprehensive understanding of the foundational document that governed the United States during its formative years. This key unlocks the intricacies of the Articles of Confederation, providing detailed explanations and insights into its purpose, weaknesses, and historical significance.

Delving into the worksheet’s questions and answers, learners embark on an enlightening journey through the challenges and complexities faced by the fledgling nation under this framework.

Articles of Confederation

The Articles of Confederation were the first constitution of the United States of America. They were adopted by the Continental Congress on November 15, 1777, and ratified by all 13 states by March 1, 1781.

Purpose of the Articles of Confederation

The Articles of Confederation were created to establish a loose confederation of sovereign states. The primary purpose was to provide a framework for cooperation among the states during the American Revolutionary War.

Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation, Articles of confederation worksheet answer key

  • Lack of a central government:The Articles of Confederation did not create a strong central government. Each state had its own independent government, and there was no executive or judicial branch at the national level.
  • Limited powers of Congress:Congress had very limited powers under the Articles of Confederation. It could not tax, regulate commerce, or raise an army. It could only make recommendations to the states.
  • Inability to enforce laws:Congress had no power to enforce its laws. It relied on the states to enforce its recommendations, but the states often ignored them.

Worksheet Answer Key

Question 1: What was the main purpose of the Articles of Confederation?

Answer:To establish a loose confederation of sovereign states and provide a framework for cooperation during the American Revolutionary War.

Question 2: What were the main weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?

Answer:Lack of a central government, limited powers of Congress, and inability to enforce laws.

Question 3: How did the Articles of Confederation impact the development of the United States?

Answer:The Articles of Confederation proved to be too weak to govern the United States effectively. They were replaced by the Constitution in 1789.

Key Concepts: Articles Of Confederation Worksheet Answer Key

Sovereignty:The Articles of Confederation recognized the sovereignty of each individual state. The states retained their own governments and laws. Confederation:A confederation is a loose alliance of independent states. The Articles of Confederation established a confederation of the United States. Limited Government:The Articles of Confederation created a very limited central government.

Congress had only a few specific powers.

Historical Context

Articles of confederation worksheet answer key

American Revolution:The Articles of Confederation were adopted during the American Revolutionary War. The states were fighting for independence from Great Britain. Need for Cooperation:The states realized that they needed to cooperate to win the war. The Articles of Confederation provided a framework for cooperation.

Challenges Faced:The United States faced many challenges under the Articles of Confederation. The government was weak, the economy was unstable, and there was conflict between the states.

Comparisons to the Constitution


  • Both the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution established a federal government.
  • Both documents recognized the sovereignty of the states.


  • Central Government:The Articles of Confederation created a weak central government, while the Constitution created a strong central government.
  • Powers of Congress:Congress had very limited powers under the Articles of Confederation, while it has broad powers under the Constitution.
  • Enforcement of Laws:The Articles of Confederation had no power to enforce its laws, while the Constitution gives the federal government the power to enforce its laws.

Impact of Differences:

  • The strong central government created by the Constitution allowed the United States to become a more powerful and prosperous nation.
  • The Constitution’s broad powers of Congress allowed the federal government to address a wide range of issues.
  • The Constitution’s power to enforce its laws ensured that the federal government could carry out its responsibilities.


What was the primary purpose of the Articles of Confederation?

To establish a loose alliance among the thirteen former British colonies, providing a framework for cooperation and mutual defense.

What were the key weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?

Lack of a strong central government, limited taxing authority, inability to regulate commerce, and difficulty in amending the document.

How did the Articles of Confederation contribute to the development of the Constitution?

Its weaknesses highlighted the need for a more robust and effective governing framework, leading to the Constitutional Convention and the drafting of the Constitution.

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